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Captain Kit Walker

Phantom Wiki URL

Interaction with Phantom
1st Phantom

Is the catalyst for the Phantom legacy. His death and murder by the Singh Pirates caused the first Phantom to dedicate his life and 20+ other generations to take up the fight against piracy and injustice.

Meet Cardio his best friend when he traveled to the new world with Columbus. They formed a great friendship with many adventures on mainland America and ocean seas until they died together fighting the Singh Pirates.

Was good with languages and acted as a translator for Columbus.

With Cardio, discovered Walkers Table.

  • His fathers name was John

  • Had a brother named Jonathan who lived in Chichester and a nephew called Simon

  • Not much is known about his wife, who died 3-4 years after his death never knowing the outcome of her husband and son.


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All rights of the Phantom & related items are copyright by King Features Syndicate & Hearst. This website is funded and ran by phans from around the world. The opinions on this website are not associated to the licensed publishers or the owners of the Phantom.

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